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File Created: 30-Apr-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  29-Nov-2022 by Larry Jones (LDJ)

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Name GREEN, GREEN GOLD Mining Division Cariboo
BCGS Map 093G074
Status Showing NTS Map 093G14E
Latitude 053º 46' 22'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 14' 27'' Northing 5958266
Easting 484119
Commodities Gold Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Cache Creek, Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Green occurrence is located on a southwest-facing slope, northeast of Henry Lake and approximately 2.5 kilometres east of the east end of Dahl Lake.

The area is underlain by basaltic volcanic rocks, limestone, mudstone and fine clastic sedimentary rocks of the Pennsylvanian to Triassic Cache Creek Complex. The Pinchi fault cuts the area.

Locally, a massive gouge/hydrothermal clay zone hosts silica/quartz fragments with rare pyrite and trace arsenopyrite(?) and chalcopyrite(?). Outcrops in the area are described as feldspar porphyritic rocks, fine- to medium-grained igneous rocks, fine-grained clay-sericite±silica–altered volcanic rocks and black shales. The altered and mineralized zone has been traced by trenching for at least 250 metres along a northwest-southeast trend. Later work, in 2014, indicated that the clay-breccia zone is a locally derived basal till.

Drilling, in 2014, identified a limonite and propylitic (clay±sericite±carbonate±silica)–altered feldspar porphyry hosting silica±chlorite±biotite(?) and pyrite±quartz±carbonate veinlets and stockworks. Disseminated arsenopyrite is also reported in the feldspar porphyry.

In 2011, channel sampling of trench TR-1 yielded 1.64 grams per tonne gold over 23 metres, including 4.0 grams per tonne gold over 8 metres and 14.2 grams per tonne gold over 1.0 metre (Assessment Report 33235).

In 2013, sampling of trenches yielded up to 0.63 gram per tonne gold over 14 metres, including values of up to 1.22 grams per tonne gold in trench TR1302 (Assessment Report 34656).

In 2014, samples of clay-breccia yielded up to 2.89 grams per tonne gold, whereas drilling yielded up to 1.08 grams per tonne gold over 5.2 metres of feldspar porphyry in hole GG14-02 (Assessment Report 35295).

In 2017, rock samples yielded up to 1.67 grams per tonne gold (sample W5038929; Assessment Report 37356).

Work History

During 2005 through 2009, Steel Enterprises Ltd. completed program of prospecting, geological mapping and geochemical (rock and soil) sampling on the area as the Green claims. This work identified areas of anomalous gold-in-soil values.

During 2011 through 2013, 0902744 BC Ltd. completed programs of geochemical (rock and silt) sampling, test pitting, trenching, a 12.0 line-kilometre ground magnetic and induced polarization survey and a 296.0 line-kilometre airborne magnetic and radiometric survey on the area as the Green Gold property. In 2014, four diamond drill holes, totalling 388.5 metres, were completed.

Between 2017 and 2020, New Gold Inc. completed programs of geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling, reprocessing of existing geophysical data, and an IP geophysical survey on the Green Gold property.

EMPR EXPL 1985-A48; 1996-A13, 1998-38; 2000-13
EMPR GEM *1969-393-395; 1970-502; 1971-467; 1972-601; 1974-384-385
EMPR INF CIRC 1996-1, p. 9; 1997-1, p. 12; 1998-1, p. 13
EMPR MAP 65, 1989
EMPR OF 1992-1; 1992-9; 1994-1
GSC MAP 49-1960; 1424A