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File Created: 21-Oct-2015 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  21-Feb-2017 by Larry Jones (LDJ)

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Name SILVER LAKE, ANOMALY B, ALCO Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093F084
Status Showing NTS Map 093F14E
Latitude 053º 50' 16'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 14' 28'' Northing 5967790
Easting 352533
Commodities Gold, Silver Deposit Types H05 : Epithermal Au-Ag: low sulphidation
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

The Silver Lake showing area is underlain mainly by andesitic rocks of the Endako Formation (Nechako Plateau Group) and areas of andesitic rock of the Late Cretaceous Kasalka Group. Felsic rock of the Eocene to Oligocene Ootsa Lake Formation (Nechako Plateau Group) is regionally mapped to the north of the area.

Gold values up to 489 parts per billion were obtained in 2012 from micro-veined dacite porphyry approximately 3 kilometers west of the Alco showing in an area labelled Anomaly B. Alteration consists of pyrolusite staining along fractures in the host rock with thin quartz veins oriented northeast and dipping steeply to the east and west. In 2013, samples from the Anomaly B area of centimetre-scale quartz veinlets with open spaces and rare pyrite and limonite cutting andesite assayed up to 5 grams per tonne gold and 12.6 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 34508).

Refer to Alco (093F 078) for details of the Alco-Silver Lake property work history.

EMPR ASS RPT *32330, *32585, *33005, *33814, *34508
EMPR OF 1994-19
GSC MAP 1131A; 1424A
GSC P 90-1F, pp. 115-120