The Trogold area is underlain by the Upper Cretaceous granodiorite-quartz monzonite Troitsa stock (Bulkley Plutonic Suite). The stock intrudes volcanics of the Cretaceous Kasalka Group and the Jurassic Hazelton Group (Telkwa Formation).
The 2012 sampling program of Callinex collected a grab sample of malachite and chalcopyrite along jointing (sample 103492) assayed 2.4 per cent copper, 19.4 grams per tonne gold and greater than 300 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 33984).
Refer to Troitsa Main for details of the Troitsa property work history and Fab (093E 041) for related geology and property work history details of the Cole Creek property which the Troitsa property was part of from 2010 to 2013.