The Diakow and Radio showings are hosted in rocks of the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation, Hazelton Group. A small Eocene stock of the Coast Plutonic Complex intrudes the strata to the immediate southwest of the area. Extensive masses of quartz diorite of the Middle Jurassic Trapper Plutonic Suite intrude to the north, west and south.
The Diakow and Radio showings are two mineralized zones occurring along the Diakow structure. This fault has been traced for at least 5 kilometres and is suspected to extent northward across Atna Bay for at least another 7 kilometres and southwards for up to 1.5 kilometres. The Diakow zone was first sampled by L. Diakow in 1989 (Open File 1990-15) when a grab sample assayed 0.1 gram per tonne gold, 361 grams per tonne silver and 1.8 per cent copper.
The Diakow showing represents silicified rhyolite and intermediate volcanics cut by quartz plus/minus carbonate veining. Quartz stockwork is present locally. Quartz is often vuggy and locally banded. Cryptocrystalline and colloform quartz veining has been noted. Mineralization consists of minor pyrite, localized fracture coatings and patches of malachite and rare chalcopyrite.
The zone was traced for 250 metres southwards into a talus covered cirque. Along the ridge-top, 650 metres to the south, the zone was picked up again and traced for an additional 700 metres into the valley. Here the zone has been referred to as the Radio showing. Across the valley to the south prominent quartz veining exposed in precipitous cliffs was sampled by Newmont and referred to as the Lunar 4 showing (Assessment Report 16757). No significant mineralization was encountered. The Lunar 4 showing, 1.0 kilometre further south than the Radio showing, is also believed to lie along the Diakow structure. The lack of exposure did not allow the mineralized zone to be traced north of the Diakow showing.
Refer to New Moon (093E 011) for related geological and work history details of those showings such as the Diakow and Radio showings that occur on the New Moon property.