The South Rim (Moly Float zone) showing of is underlain by a sequence of volcanic rocks of the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation of the Hazelton Group intruded by stocks and plugs of granodiorite of the Late Cretaceous Kasalka Plutonic Suite. Volcanic rocks in the area are described as green volcanic, lapilli tuff and volcanic breacia. Minor interbedded sediments, mainly mudstones, are also present. A series of north trending faults cross the property. Less major northeast and northwest trending faults are also present.
The South Rim showing (Moly Float zone) is located west of the other South Rim property mineralized zones and was first discovered by a prospector in 1967. During 1978, Silver Standard Mines Limited conducted prospecting in the area. Extremely high molybdenite values were noted from float in moraine material which was traced for over 600 metres up slope almost to the edge of the glacier.
Assay values of from 0.042 to 1.28 per cent molybdenum were reported from sample taken by Silver Standard Mines in 1979; the author of the Silver Standard assessment report (A.R.C Potter) reported a 256 pound (116 kilogram) grab sample taken by he had collected in 1967 assayed 0.12 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 7801). The molybdenite was observed to occur in pockets with sericitization of the adjacent rocks resulting in a green tint to the plagioclase.
This showing was visited in the 2012 program and molybdenite mineralization as well as copper, lead and zinc mineralization was verified in a number of float samples collected. The source of the mineralized float has not unequivocally been located but it appears to be on the south side of a glacial lake. A total of 31 rock samples were collected during the 2012 exploration program.
The rock samples collected in the Moly Float zone in 2012 by operator Inform Exploration (owner: St. Elias Mines) are the most substantially mineralized samples collected on the South Rim property to date. Of the sixteen samples collected in the Moly Float zone seven returned molybdenum greater than 0.1 per cent and one of those seven yielded molybdenum greater than 5 per cent along with 0.4 per cent copper, and 6.6 per cent silver (Assessment Report 33420). Two samples that assayed molybdenum greater than 0.1 per cent also assayed copper greater than 0.1 per cent (Assessment Report 33420). In 2012, mineralized rock samples collected from the Moly Float zone included the following rock types: felsic porphyry, diorite, green volcanic and gabbro.
A 2012 geophysical survey over the Moly Float zone consisted of 17.8 line kilometres covering an area of 0.85 square kilometres. The geophysical survey in the Gold/Moly quartz vein hosted Zone consisted of 27 line kilometres covering an area of 1.275 square kilometres.
See also Main Creek (Coles) (093E 110) for related geological and work history details that occurred in the area as the Coles and South Rim properties.