The V.P.showing of the Cole property area is underlain by a sequence of volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation of the Hazelton Group. Host rocks consist of thick-bedded purple to green lapilli tuffs and volcanic breccias dip steeply northwest and are commonly cross-cut by intermediate dikes. Black mudstone and siltstone occur in the vicinity.
The V.P. showing is a north trending shear zone exposed in the same major creek but north of the Amethyst showing. Carbonate alteration is common and quartz-carbonate veinlets to 5 centimetres in width occur in a 1 to 2 metres wide shear zone. Four samples were taken from the zone which was discovered in 1987. Two of these samples gave values over 1 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 16677). Anomalous values of mercury, antimony, selenium and tellurium were also found in the zone, along with strongly anomalous arsenic values (to 1031 parts per million).
See Main Creek (Coles) (093E 110) for related geological and work history details. The V.P. showing is just east of the previously defined Coles vein system, a 4 kilometres long northwest trending zone that includes showings from "Camp View", on the northwest, to "East Side" and "South Side" showings at the southeast.