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File Created: 30-Apr-2014 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  19-May-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name ZINCAMP (ROAD), ZINCAMP, XK2620 Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093E045
Status Showing NTS Map 093E06E
Latitude 053º 25' 05'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 127º 06' 04'' Northing 5920457
Easting 626194
Commodities Lead, Zinc, Gold Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Zincamp (Road) occurrence is located on the Zinc Bay Forest Service Road, approximately 1.7 kilometres south of Zinc Bay.

The area is underlain by Mt. Ney volcanic rocks of the Lower Cretaceous Skeena Group, undivided sedimentary rocks of the Middle Jurassic Smithers Formation (Hazelton Group) and calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group). These have been intruded by intrusive rocks of the Eocene Coast Plutonic Complex(?) to the southeast.

Locally, a number of north trending sheeted veins with disseminated to massive sulphide mineralization and quartz gauge are hosted in shears that penetrate all rock types. Sulphide mineralization is not described.

In 1999, chip sampling yielded up to 1.33 per cent lead, 2.36 per cent zinc and 1.17 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 26286).

During 1919 through 1945, claims were staked in the area. In 1990 and 1991, Equity Silver Mines completed programs of rock and soil sampling, geological mapping and an induced polarization survey, totalling 22.6 kilometres, on the area as the Midnight claims. In 1993, Guardsmen Resources completed a 6.8 kilometres ground electromagnetic and magnetic survey on the area as the XK2620 claim. In 1999, a program of ground geophysical surveys and geochemical sampling was completed on the area as the Zincamp property. In 2006, Christopher James Gold, on the behalf of Guardsmen Resources, prospected the area as the Zinc Bay property. In 2011, Jet Gold, on behalf of Guardsmen Resources, completed a program of rock sampling and airborne magnetic and electromagnetic surveys, totalling 476 kilometres on the area.

EMPR AR 1945-69
EMPR ASS RPT 20146, 21729, 22432, 22990, *26286, 28899, 33439
EMPR EXPL 1999-1-11
EMPR FIELDWORK 1987, pp. 155-168
EMPR OF 1988-2; 1994-14
GSC MEM 299, p. 91
GSC P 72-1A; 79-1A
GSC SUM RPT 1920, part A; 1924, part A; 1925, part A, pp. 144-154
Lane, B. (2012-02-10): NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Silver Bay Property