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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  19-Aug-1999 by Janet M. Riddell (JMR)

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NMI 093E1,2 Cu1
Name TWO BEAR HILL, CHEZKO RIVER Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093E018
Status Showing NTS Map 093E01W, 093E02E
Latitude 053º 07' 56'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 126º 30' 43'' Northing 5889871
Easting 666449
Commodities Copper Deposit Types L01 : Subvolcanic Cu-Ag-Au (As-Sb)
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Two Bear Hill lies on the southeast slope of Two Bear Hill. A zone that is 0.9 metre to 1.2 metres wide, trends 130 degrees and is exposed for about 60 metres, contains quartz stringers mineralized with chalcopyrite, pyrite and hematite in Jurassic Hazelton Group sediments. A grab sample assayed 7.9 per cent copper and trace gold.

EMPR OF 1994-14
GSC MEM *299, p. 99
GSC OF 708
GSC P 72-1A; 79-1A
GSC SUM RPT 1920, part A
EMPR PFD 14483