Bibliography |
EMPR AR *1927-C154; 1928-C180; *1929-184,430; *1945-A67
EMPR BULL *75, pp. 53,69
EMPR FIELDWORK 1978, p. 99
EMPR OF 1994-14
EMPR PF Cyprus Anvil (Geotronics Surveys Ltd. (1981-11-01): Magnetic and VLF-EM Survey claim map, Sam claims, Tatsa Resources; Goldsmith, L.B., Kallock, P. (1981-11-10): Geological Investigation of the Sam, Swing, Et Al Mineral Claims; Goldsmith, L.B., Kallock, P. (1982-01-07): Comparison of Tahtsa Project Geology with the Berg Copper-Molybdenum Porphyry and Review of 1981 Geophysics, Addendum to Geological Investigation of the Sam, Swing, Et Al mineral claims)
EMPR PF Placer Dome (Equity Silver (1984): Heavy Minerals Data Listings (all fractions) for '82, '83 and '84; Equity (1984): Heavy mineral data sheets - Kasalka Project II; Equity (1984): Heavy Mineral Data sheets - Equity Silver; Equity (1984): Heavy mineral data sheets - Kasalka Project - III; Equity (1985): Heavy mineral data sheets - Kasalka Project - IV; Equity (1985): Map of Heavy mineral locations with coloured mineral areas - Kasalka; Equity (1985): Map showing Heavy mineral claim locations - Kasalka Project; Equity Silver (1986): Heavy Mineral Sample Cards - Kasalka; Equity (1986): Heavy mineral sample cards - Kasalka; Equity (1986): Heavy mineral data sheets - silts - Kasalka Project; Equity (1986): Heavy mineral data sheets - Kasalka Project - V; Equity (1986): Notes on Kasalka Project - claim info and sketch map; Equity (1986): Heavy mineral notes, by sample, by fraction, northing and easting); Equity (1986): Heavy Mineral Separates, Basic statistics and notes; R. Pease (1987): Memo re: Analysis of 1986 Heavy Mineral Sampling - Kasalka Project; Equity (1987): Map of Heavy mineral locations - Kasalka; R. Pease (1987): Heavy Minerals Geochemical Data Listings I; R. Pease (1988): Heavy Minerals Separates, Basic Statistics and notes)
EMPR PF Rimfire (L.B. Goldsmith, P. Kallock (1982): Inferred Caldera at Tahtsa Lake with implications for Porphyry and Epithermal Vein Mineralization, Addendum to Geological Investigation of the Sam, Swing et al. Mineral Claims; Clendenan, A.D. (1984): Re: Tahtsa Mines)
EMR MP CORPFILE (Tahtsa Mining Co. Ltd.)
GSC MAP 367A; 1064A
GSC MEM *299, p. 88
GSC OF 708
GSC SUM RPT 1920, part A; 1924, part A; 1925, part A
EMPR PFD 860302, 860560, 860556, 14394, 14396, 14397, 812673, 812674, 812675, 860554, 860555, 860557, 860561, 860562, 860563, 860564, 860565, 860566, 860568, 860569, 860570, 860571, 860572, 860573, 822303, 822304, 881582, 881583, 881584, 881585, 600257, 862496, 862498, 862499, 862500, 672256, 672265, 672267