This occurrence is located on the south side of Surel Lake at its east end; the claims extend westward from the falls on Surel Creek. The Surel Lake group of eight claims was located by J.J. Hepson of Wells in 1945. The vein was examined in August 1945 by J.A. Pike of Island Mountain Mines Limited, who also located the adjoining Fly group of four claims.
The ED and Surel groups, totaling 25 claims, owned by L. Kiss, were optioned to Canex Aerial Exploration Limited. Work during 1967 included geological, geophysical and geochemical surveys and 4104 metres of diamond drilling in three holes.
A quartz vein occurs in diorite of the Coast Plutonic Complex near its eastern margin contact with the Skeena Group volcanics. The vein, which is 30 centimetres to 60 centimetres wide, is reported to carry gold values.