This occurrence is located on Marten Creek, which enters Surel Lake on the south side, about 2.5 kilometres from the outlet.
Two groups of claims were staked on the creek in 1945: the Three Bears group of 8 claims (093E 024), located on the lower part of the creek by W.H. Harrison, Jr.; the Surel group of 6 claims, located on the upper part of the creek by Fred Paulig.
Quartz veins from about 25 centimetres to 60 centimetres in width occur in sedimentary rocks and are mineralized with pyrite, galena, sphalerite and molybdenite.
A selected sample assayed 9.92 per cent zinc, 0.08 per cent copper, 21.9 grams per tonne silver and 0.68 grams per tonne gold.