The region is underlain by the Coast Plutonic Complex, consist- ing of pre- to post-kinematic quartz diorite to granodiorite batho- liths intruded into Paleozoic to Mesozoic metasedimentary and meta- volcanic rocks. Younger supracrustal assemblages overlying deformed rocks include the (?)Cretaceous Gambier Group and Tertiary Bella Bella Formation volcanic rocks. In the eastern part of the Coast Crystalline Belt supracrustal rocks of possible Mesozoic age and Jurassic Hazelton Group rocks become dominant.
The Burnt Bridge Creek molybdenite showing is underlain predominantly by chlorite schist of presumed Triassic age. Apart from the reported occurrence of molybdenum, lead and copper, no other information is available.
Fieldwork 2002, p. 124, 125-126 suggests area underlain by diorite complexes cut by granodiorite and later basalt dykes and the map unit is labelled early Cretaceous.