The region is underlain mainly by the Paleozoic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex consisting predominantly of crystalline rocks which exhibit a variety of fabrics ranging from pre-to post- kinematic. Paragneisses of (?)Paleozoic age, younger deformed metasediments and volcanics related to the Stikinia Terrane are interspersed within the plutonic complex. The northeastern part of the Bella Coola map area is underlain primarily by mafic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Jurassic Hazelton Group. These rocks are variably deformed containing both northeast and northwest trending structures.
Between the Hazelton Group of the Stikinia Terrane to the east and the Coast Plutonic Complex with its deformed metasedimentary terrane to the west, is a belt of dominantly mafic rocks. These rocks are probably of volcanic origin and may be part of the Hazelton Group.
The Last Chance showing consists of molybdenite mineralization at or near the intersection of two pegmatite dikes, a band of garnet epidote skarn (about 30 metres thick) and schist. Mineralization occurs mainly in the schist at the contact with overlying skarn although lesser amounts occur in the skarn and adjacent pegmatite.