In 1997, whilst flying by helicopter during work on the Nifty prospect (093D 006), Gerry Ray of the Geological Survey noted malachite staining on some cliffs high on the western slopes of the Noosegulch River valley. This previously unreported copper occurrence has been named the 'Malachite Cliff' occurrence. A field traverse down to the occurrence from the overlying ridge-top passed over massive, coarse grained pinkish grey, leucocratic and equigranular granodiorites of the Tseapseahoolz Creek pluton. These rocks are generally unaltered and contain between 4 and 6 percent mafic minerals comprising coarse biotite with minor hornblende. In the vicinity of the occurrence, the pluton locally contains abundant xenoliths and large screens of hornfelsed metasediments and greenstone. The pluton is also cut by numerous dikes of fine- grained andesite which are generally less than 1 metre wide.
At the occurrence, there is an estimated 30 to 40 metre high cliff of leucocratic granodiorite. The plutonic rocks are cut by a subvertical set of narrow shear fractures and joints that trend north, subparallel to the cliff-face. These fractures have controlled some narrow (5 centimetre to 1 metre) dikes of greenstone that show no chilled margins or thermal haloes. The source of the malachite staining occurs approximately 20 metres up the cliff face, and is inaccessible. However, malachite-stained float at the base of the cliff comprises granodiorite cut by thin (< 1 centimetre) shear fractures filled with euhedral quartz, minor pyrite and traces of chalcopyrite. Two grab samples of granodiorite with quartz- sulphide veinlets gave maximum assays of 0.053 per cent copper, 1.1 grams per tonne silver, 0.0032 per cent molybdenum and 0.01 gram per tonne gold. Mineralization at the Malachite Cliff occurrence is probably related to a northerly-striking fault set, and it may be similar in origin to the Bella Coola Chief copper occurrence (093D 009) situated about 13 kilometres to the northwest. It probably has little economic potential, but suggests that the north trending faults visible in air photographs along the Noosegulch valley have a potential for hosting copper-bearing veins.