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File Created: 11-Jan-2025 by Del Ferguson (DF)
Last Edit:  13-Jan-2025 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name ST Mining Division Cariboo, Clinton
BCGS Map 093C010
Status Showing NTS Map 093C01E
Latitude 052º 01' 38'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 04' 56'' Northing 5764606
Easting 425743
Commodities Copper, Silver Deposit Types L03 : Alkalic porphyry Cu-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The ST occurrence is located in the Chilcotin Plateau, south of the Chilcotin River, 9.5 kilometres south of Chilanko Forks on Highway 20, and approximately 133 kilometres west of Williams Lake.

Upper Jurassic foliated quartz-porphyritic granodiorite of the Chilanko Igneous Complex occurs near the contact with polyphase syn-tectonic tonalite (gabbro to granodiorite). These rocks are cut by multi-phase dikes and zones of copper mineralization in chlorite-magnetite altered quartz-epidote veinlets.

The ST showing was discovered in 2008 by the British Columbia Geological Survey as follow-up programs to better define previous regional lake sediment and magnetometer anomalies. Sample TBA08-38-4 returned values of 0.13 per cent copper and 2.8 grams per tonne silver.

In 2010 and 2011, geologist B.K. Bowen caried out programs of air photo interpretation, prospecting, rock sampling and a 2.2 line-kilometre IP-magnetometer survey over the ST property. Air photo interpretation outlined two east trending lineaments approximately 300 to 400 metres south of the ST showing. Rock sampling of float material was successful in determining anomalous gold values in a few samples: Sample 10C-02R returned 0.167 gram per tonne gold in limonite-stained quartz veinlets; Sample ST10-01R returned 0.115 gram per tonne gold from a silicified rock containing very fine-grained disseminated pyrite.

EMPR ASS RPT 31547, 31695, 32122, 32486
EMPR GEOFILE 2006-1; 2006-11
EMPR GEO MAP 2005-3; 2009-6
EMPR OF 1993-16; 2009-06, 2009-09, 48 pp.
EMPR OF MAP 2009-05
EMPR P 1993-1, pp. 483-490; 2009-1, pp. 81-100, 117-126
GEOSCIENCE BC RPT 2006-4; 2007-6