The region is underlain to the west by the Coast Crystalline belt and to the east by Mesozoic and Tertiary volcanic and sediment- ary rocks. A hybrid zone along the eastern margin of the Coast Crystalline Belt contains elements of both terranes. In this zone Mesozoic rocks have been incorporated into the plutons and are overlain by Tertiary volcanic rocks. The degree of metamorphism and deformation of the Intermontane Belt supracrustal rocks increases towards the Coast Crystalline Belt.
The Tel showing occurs near the eastern margin of the Coast Plutonic Complex where biotite granite, quartz diorite, granodiorite and quartz monzonite along with older foliated and migmatitic equivalents, have been intruded into volcanic and sedimentary rocks of probable Lower Jurassic age. Underlain mainly by felsic intrusive rocks, the Tel showing consists of molybdenite mineralization.