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File Created: 08-Apr-2009 by George Owsiacki (GO)
Last Edit:  22-Jun-2009 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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Name BUCKSHOT 2, SOVEREIGN CREEK Mining Division Cariboo
BCGS Map 093B100
Status Showing NTS Map 093B16E
Latitude 052º 58' 44'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 02' 07'' Northing 5870357
Easting 564774
Commodities Gold Deposit Types C02 : Buried-channel placers
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel, Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

The Buckshot 2 placer claim is located south of Sovereign Creek, and is crossed by the 13A forestry road at the 13A10 post. Access to the claim is via the Swift River forestry service road (1300 Road) that is 4 kilometres east of the Cottonwood Store, located on Barkerville Highway 26. About 3 kilometres south on the 1300 Road, one takes the 13A Road about 7 kilometres to the 13A10 post, which is located on the southwest portion of the claim (ca. 1992).

The Buckshot 2 placer claim lies in an area inferred to be underlain by undivided sediments of the Middle-Upper Triassic Nicola Group comprised of black argillite, siltstone and mudstone.

The surface of the claim is relatively flat with the exception of a fairly steep sided valley, with an intermittent stream, located in the northern portion of the claim. The valley trends in a northeast-southwest direction swinging west where it crosses the western boundary of the claim. Depth to the valley floor in a vertical direction is roughly 30 metres. Visual examination of the surface sediments indicate the entire claim surface consists of glacial gravels with constituents grading in size from silt to small boulders roughly 30 centimetres in size. A few large granite and quartzite boulders ranging up to 1 metre in size are sporadically distributed on the claim surface.

In 1992, three probe samples were taken with a hand-held auger with a diameter of 10 centimetres. Probe sample A contained 1.2 metres of gravel, with particles grading from silt to pebbles 4 centimetres in size, along with broken particles of granite, green schist, argillite and limestone. An assay of this sample analysed 6 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 22136).

EMPR ASS RPT 21657, 22131, *22136
EMPR OF 1987-9; 1989-14, 20; 1990-31
EMPR P 1990-3
GSC MAP 12-1959; 1424A; 1538G
GSC OF 574; 844