The area is underlain by poorly exposed rocks of the Mississ- ippian to Triassic Cache Creek Group which, in this region, consists mainly of mafic metavolcanic rocks, argillaceous metasediments and ultramafic bodies, now sheared and altered. To the southeast, serp- entinized peridotite is exposed, the trend of these exposures suggests that the ultramafic body continues to the northwest under the NI showing.
Mineralization consists of minute grains of millerite within a west-trending breccia zone in which the rocks have been almost completely replaced by ankeritic carbonate. This zone, up to 130 metres wide, is cut by narrow veinlets of chalcedonic quartz containing small flakes of mariposite in some areas.
A selected grab sample in 1956 assayed 0.23 per cent nickel and 0.27 percent chromium (Annual Report 1956-34).