The GR showing is located near the eastern margin of the Stikine Terrane in south-central British Columbia, about 48 kilometres north of Williams Lake. Road access to the property is via highway 97 north from Williams Lake to McLeese Lake, then east on Beaver Creek Road for approximately 10 kilometres and then north on forest access roads to within 1.5 kilometres of the central part of the property. Old drill roads crossing the property could be upgraded to allow easy access to most of the claims.
The dominant rock types in the region are metabasalt, limestone and argillaceous metasediments of the Mississippian to Triassic Cache Creek Group. These are intruded by the dioritic to quartz dioritic Granite Mountain Pluton and the (?)Cretaceous Sheridan Creek Pluton. The Granite Mountain Pluton has been affected by regional metamorphism (greenschist facies) and deformation along with the enclosing Cache Creek Group.
The GR showing is located immediately to the west of the Acadian showing (093B 016) and is underlain by volcanic rocks of the Cache Creek Group and intrusive rocks related to the Granite Mountain Pluton. Chalcopyrite, pyrite and molybdenite mineralization is hosted in both the volcanic and intrusive rocks.
In the area of the Copper King, Copper Queen and CP 1 to 6 claims southeast of Gibraltar Mines, the ground has been intermittently explored since the 1960s. Gunn Mines Ltd. carried out magnetometer, induced polarization and drilled twelve diamond-drill holes totalling 1068.6 metres in the area of the claims during 1967 to 1971. In 1970, Primac Exploration Services Ltd. carried out geological, magnetometer and soil geochemical surveys on ground located just south of the present Copper King property. In April 1991, the Copper King, Copper Queen and CP 1 to 6 claims were staked by Promin Explorations Limited on behalf of United Gunn Resources Ltd. to cover previously, partially defined induced polarization anomalies. In October, 1991 a wide spaced soil geochemical survey was carried out over the IP anomalies to investigate for surface expressions of copper mineralization at depth. During 1998, United Gunn Resources Ltd. conducted soil sampling (775 samples) and 35.3 kilometres of magnetometer and VLF surveys on the Copper King property to cover prospective areas underlain by deformed quartz diorite.