The Lo East occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1030 metres on a south-facing slope, 2.8 kilometres northeast of the western end of Hen Ingram Lake. The Lo (MINFILE 093A 048) occurrence is located approximately 1 kilometres to the west.
Regionally, the area is underlain by interbedded marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. These have been intruded by stocks of syenitic to monzonitic composition to the south and are overlain by Holocene basaltic volcanic rocks to the northwest.
Locally, strongly hornfelsed Triassic black argillites, tuffs, siltstones, sandstones and fine-grained volcaniclastics strike northerly and may be isoclinally folded. Dips are steep, but uniformly eastward. Gabbroic to dioritic dikes up to 30 metres wide trend northeast and lamprophyric dikes up to 2 metres wide cut the metasediments. Major faults appear to be later than the dikes. Although no intrusion has been mapped in the area, the rocks are hornfelsed, suggesting that an intrusion is present at a relatively shallow level. Alteration minerals variably include silica, chlorite, potassium feldspar, tremolite and actinolite. Oxidation is common in areas of exposed bedrock.
Mineralization comprises disseminations and fracture fillings of pyrite, pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite associated with the altered (hornfelsed) metasediments and intrusives. Quartz veins, up to 25 centimetres wide, and gossanous zones hosting pyrite are also reported.
In 1993, sampling of trenches yielded up to 1.78 grams per tonne gold, 0.538 per cent copper and 0.058 per cent molybdenum (Samples HJR-20, HJR -25 and HJR-28; Assessment Report 22898).
The area has been historically explored in conjunction with the nearby Lo (MINFILE 093A 048) occurrence. In 1965, Helicon Explorations began work on the property in their search for porphyry copper mineralization and completed an induced polarization survey, bulldozer trenching and five diamond drill holes, totalling 91.8 metres, on the area as the LO and KE claims. In 1979, Stanley Resources Ltd. staked the area as the B.T.E.M. 1-2 claims and the following year completed a program of rock sampling and nine percussion drill holes, totalling 158 metres, in the vicinity of the past 1965 trench No. 1.
During 1983 through 1986, BHP-Utah Mines completed programs of geochemical sampling (rock, silt and soil) and geological mapping on the View 1-13 claims located to the southwest. In 1985 and 1986, Welcome North Mines and Esperanza Resources completed programs geological mapping and sampling on the area as the Hen 1 claim. In 1989, Tulloch Resources established a cut grid for control and completed geological mapping, soil and rock sampling and a magnetometer survey.
During 1992 through 1995, Double Creek Mining Corp. completed programs of geological mapping, prospecting, rock and soil sampling, 31.7 line-kilometres of combined VLF-EM and magnetometer surveys, excavator trenching and six diamond drill holes, totalling 609.3 metres, on the area as the Hen 1-4 claims.
During 2004 through 2006, work consisted of follow-up sampling of the 1995 diamond drill core, restoring and resampling parts of the grid, prospecting, minor expansion of the original soil sample , and analysis of the new samples. Later in 2006, Swift Resources Inc. optioned the property and completed a program of prospecting, geochemical (soil and rock) sampling and 13.4 kilometres of combined induced polarization and magnetometer surveys. In 2008, eight diamond drill holes, totalling 1206.0 metres, were completed on the Hen 1 claim.
During 2008 through 2012, Bullion Gold Corp. completed programs of soil sampling, a 45.5 line-kilometre induced polarization survey and 1874.0 line-kilometres of airborne geophysical surveying on the surrounding area as a part of the Viewland, Cariboo Goldfields and Horsefly properties. Also at this time, seven reverse-circulation drill holes, totalling 1043.9 metres, were completed on the Viewlands zone of the property to the southwest.