The Pit occurrence is located on the western side of Simlock Creek at an elevation of 1200 metres, approximately 1.3 kilometres north-northwest of its confluence with Harvey Creek.
The geology of the region consists of (?)Hadrynian to Paleozoic Snowshoe Group rocks. The Snowshoe Group is an assemblage of dominantly metasedimentary rocks within the Barkerville terrane. The metasedimentary rocks consist mainly of marble, quartzite and phyllite, which in the area of the showing form part of the Downey succession. Metamorphism of the region varies from chlorite to sillimanite and higher grade. Mineral deposits of the region are generally confined to greenschist facies rocks.
Locally, former pits expose a 0.3 to 0.5 metre wide zone of quartz veining with pyrite, pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite mineralization hosted by a limestone/marble unit and interbedded slate.
In 2004, a chip sample (03159) assayed 8.757 grams per tonne gold and 0.038 per cent copper over 0.5 metre (Assessment Report 27658). The sample was later re-analyzed and yielded 10.06 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 31346).
In 2012, a rock sample (Sim90) of quartz vein assayed 11.58 grams per tonne gold and 189 grams per tonne silver. Another sample of fresh limestone assayed 45 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 34033).
In 1983, Harvey Creek Gold Placers completed a seismic survey along Harveys Creek, below the occurrence. In 1987, a geochemical program consisting of heavy sediment sampling using a 1 1/2 inch suction dredge was carried out on the Harveys Creek and Simlock Creek drainages. 1988 and 1989, the Simlock Creek property was optioned to Logan Mines Ltd., who carried out a program of geochemical soil sampling, ground magnetic surveying and prospecting. A total of 1175 soil samples were taken at 100 metre line and 20 metre station spacings on a grid straddling the Simlock Creek drainage. A ground magnetic survey, totalling 18.6 line-kilometres, was conducted over the same grid. During 1990 through 1997, Harvey Creek Gold Placers completed programs of geological mapping and rock and soil sampling on the area as the HH claims. In 2004, Sydney Resource Corporation took a total of 286 soil samples and 50 rock samples and completed 1.7 kilometres of ground magnetic surveying. During 2009 through 2012, Barker Minerals completed programs of prospecting and soil and rock sampling on the area as the SL claims.