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File Created: 29-Jul-2009 by George Owsiacki (GO)
Last Edit:  19-Aug-2009 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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Name GOLD Mining Division Cariboo
BCGS Map 093A084
Status Showing NTS Map 093A14W
Latitude 052º 51' 46'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 22' 54'' Northing 5858224
Easting 608938
Commodities Gold Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Barkerville
Capsule Geology

The Gold showing is located in the upper reaches of French Snowshoe Creek on its east side. Access is via logging roads from Keithley Creek from where a system of roads links up with the old Barkerville Road via Yanks Peak. The abandoned settlement of Snarlberg is situated at the lowermost switchback on this road as it climbs from French Snowshoe Creek and this provides access to the southwest corner of the Gold claims. The old Barkerville Road is in poor condition but is passable in four-wheel drive vehicles.

At the Gold showing, a series of northwest trending, isoclinally folded quartzites of the Upper Proterozoic-Paleozoic Snowshoe Group contains a number of quartz veins of various widths up to 2 metres. The dominant strike of the veins is 060 degrees with a set striking 120 degrees. Both sets of veins generally dip northerly at less than 45 degrees. The quartz veins are often pyritic. Typically, massive white quartz is present containing masses and cubes of pyrite sometimes as discreet pods up to 20 centimetres in diameter. A rock sample (28V) of a 2 metre pyritic quartz vein where weathered pyrite is visible associated with vuggy quartz with a rusty appearance analyzed 0.57 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 11767).

In 1983, reconnaissance mapping and rock sampling was conducted on the Gold claims on behalf of P. Schiller.

GSC MAP 59-1959; 1424A; 1538G
GSC OF 574; 844