The Park adit is located in the upper reaches of McKusky Creek near the western boundary of Wells Gray Park, about 70 kilometres east of the community of Horsefly. Access to the area is via helicopter.
The most widespread unit on the Park property is a thick section of basal dark grey to black lustrous phyllite of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. The unit contains pyrite, garnet or biotite phenocrysts and is known as a 'knotty phyllite'. Quartz occurs as veins in fractures or faults and as pods or sweats parallel to foliation within the phyllite unit. All units have been subject to upper greenshist metamorphism but locally higher i.e. biotite-garnet, grades occur.
Quartz veining is exposed in scattered outcrops throughout the showing area. The quartz is white, well fractured and very resistant. Most outcrops have a rounded appearance. One such vein has been explored by an old adit. This vein outcrops in a north trending fault zone and is approximately 240 metres long by up to 23 metres wide. It occurs at about the 1829 metre contour and extends to the 1890 metre contour. The vein is not continuous along strike and is not parallel to the enclosing 'knotty phyllite'. The adit and some trenching was done in about 1932-33; approximately 25 metres of drifting was completed. Trenching was carried out on the north extension of the vein, probably the beginnings of another adit.
Most of the phyllite contains fine disseminated pyrite, locally up to 5 per cent. While sampling underground, a strong arsenic smell was noted. Common alteration minerals are biotite-garnet and limonite in the phyllite. There is no alteration halo around any quartz material found on the property. A sample taken across 1.1 metres of quartz vein material in the adit analysed 9.9 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 13367).
The only evidence of previous work are old workings (ca. 1932) consisting of a small adit and a trench further upslope. The adit was put in to investigate a large quartz vein; this activity is not recorded in the BC Minister of Mines Reports or otherwise documented. In 1983, the Park claims were staked by Newmont Exploration of Canada Limited and a reconnaissance geological and geochemical survey was conducted in 1984.