The Toby showing is located on the west bank of Antler Creek, 600 metres above the mouth of Wolf Creek. It comprises one or two quartz veins, 50 to 100 centimetres wide, that locally contain disseminated pyrite and galena. The veins are hosted by the Hardscrabble Mountain succession of the Upper Proterozoic-Paleozoic Snowshoe Group, which comprises black phyllite containing 5 per cent disseminated pyrite. Both vein material and pyritic country rock were assayed, but did not yield significant gold values (Assessment Report 23590).
In 1994, Pacific Mariner Exploration Ltd. conducted an exploration program over their Antler Creek property which covers the Toby showing. Geochemical sampling consisted of 13 stream sediments, 10 heavy minerals, 99 soils and 26 rock chips, in addition to 2.8 kilometres of magnetometer and 1.9 kilometres of EM-16 surveying.