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File Created: 04-Jun-2004 by Paul Schiarizza (PSC)
Last Edit:  19-Aug-2009 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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Name DS 335, D.S. 335 Mining Division Cariboo
BCGS Map 093A083
Status Showing NTS Map 093A14W
Latitude 052º 52' 38'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 25' 19'' Northing 5859790
Easting 606200
Commodities Lead, Silver Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Barkerville
Capsule Geology

The DS 335 showing is about 370 metres southwest of the Cornish Ledges showing (093A 100) near the divide separating the headwaters of Aster, Little Snowshoe and French Snowshoe creeks, about 22 kilometres south of Barkerville.

The showing is described as a quartz lens containing pyrite and galena and occurs in metasedimentary rocks (quartzite) of the Upper Proterozoic-Paleozoic Snowshoe Group. Although this occurrence was documented in the 1980s, it is within a cluster of precious metal bearing quartz veins that was initially recognized in the 1800s (Geological Survey of Canada Map 369; Bulletin 34). A rock sample (D.S. 335) analyzed 34.3 grams per tonne silver, 0.08 gram per tonne gold and 6.35 per cent lead (Assessment Report 13663).

In 1984, Suncor Inc. took 1004 soil samples and 7 rock samples on their Yanks Peak property grid.

EMPR OF 2004-12
GSC MAP 59-1959; 1424A; 1538G
GSC OF 574; 844