The geology of the region consists of (?)Hadrynian to Paleozoic Snowshoe Group rocks. The Snowshoe Group is an assemblage of dominantly metasedimentary rocks within the Barkerville Terrane. These metasedimentary rocks comprise mainly marble, quartzite and phyllite which, in this area, are mainly undifferentiated. A small area, located near the top of Mount Burdett, is underlain by rocks of the Harveys Ridge succession. The Downey and Hardscrabble Mountain successions occur to the west of Roundtop Mountain (13 kilometres southeast of Mount Burdett). Metamorphism of the region varies from chlorite to sillimanite facies and higher, but most of the mineralization in the region is confined to those areas metamorphosed no higher than greenschist grade.
Quartz veining occurs in a belt at least 40 kilometres long that varies in width from about 0.5 to 5 kilometres. The belt extends from the area of Roundtop Mountain northwesterly to the Sugar Creek area. The veins outcrop prominently on Mount Burdett and Bald Mountain (3 kilometres north-northwest of Mount Burdett). On Bald Mountain, vein outcrops are widely scattered and vary in size from 1 by 3 metres to 1.5 by 10 metres. A prominent swarm of parallel veins outcrops on Mount Burdett in an area just over 100 metres wide. There are at least four major veins with the largest being up to 37 metres in width and traceable for 470 metres through discontinuous outcrop. Two chip samples collected by the Geological Survey Branch from this vein analyzed 97.72 and 98.73 per cent silica (Geological Survey of Canada Paper 81-1A).