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File Created: 21-Jan-1988 by Mary McLean (MM)
Last Edit:  22-Jun-2009 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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BCGS Map 093A091
Status Showing NTS Map 093A13W
Latitude 052º 59' 15'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 51' 51'' Northing 5871484
Easting 576247
Commodities Nickel, Talc Deposit Types M07 : Ultramafic-hosted talc-magnesite
M02 : Tholeiitic intrusion-hosted Ni-Cu
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel, Slide Mountain
Capsule Geology

The Sovereign nickel occurrence is on the southwest flank of Sovereign Mountain, about 35 kilometres east of Quesnel. Access is by the Swift River forestry access road. The claims concerned are the WIM, WIM-TA, and TOM groups, owned by Trifco Minerals Ltd.

Locally, the basement geology consists of three units, described from west to east. The first are Middle-Upper Triassic basal phyllites and argillites of the Nicola Group. These unconformably overlie ultramafic rocks of the Mississippian to Permian Crooked Amphibolite in the Slide Mountain Terrane. These rocks are thrust over undivided quartzites, phyllites and limestones of the Hadrynian to Paleozoic Ramos succession in the Barkerville Terrane. Locally, folding has caused repetition and thickening of beds. The area is heavily mantled by Quaternary alluvium (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 421).

Nickel and talc mineralization are localized in sheared ultramafic rocks. Exploration to date has identified a small reserve of good quality talc (Sovereign Creek deposit, 093A 013). Nickel mineralization is minimal at the site. It has been identified in sulphide form as pentlandite, finely disseminated throughout the ultramafics. Investigation of talcose rock indicates that the total sulphide content, of unspecified type, is maximum two per cent. Seventeen undocumented grab samples from the claims averaged 0.22 per cent nickel with a range of 0.15 to 0.26 per cent, these however, may represent best assay values (Property File - Findlay, D.C., 1971). Seven other representative ultramafic samples, collected in 1971, indicated nickel values of 0.11 to 0.20 per cent (ibid.). Geochemical and chip sampling in 1972 found only spot anomalies of nickel and further exploration was not recommended (Assessment Report 4287).

Analysis of talc concentrates for sulphides assayed 0.08 to 0.15 per cent nickel content. Testing of floatation and magnetic separates of nickel from talc indicated a maximum recovery of 33 per cent (Property File - DeGraff, K., 1988). To date, only the evaluation of the talc potential has been done (refer to the Sovereign Creek deposit).

EMPR OF 1987-9; 1988-19, pp. 43-45; 1989-14, 20; *1990-27, 31
EMPR PF (In 093A 089 - Findlay, D.C. (1971): Quesnel Nickel Prospect, Sovereign Creek area, unpublished report; DeGraff, K. (1988): Production of sulphide concentrates from Talc Ore, unpublished letter to Trifco Minerals Ltd.)
EMPR PF Cyprus-Anvil (Findlay Consultants Ltd. (1971): Report - Quesnel Nickel Prospect; Sawyer et al. (1972): Letters Re: Quesnel Nickel Prospect; Findlay (1972): Re: Trifaux (Quesnel) Nickel Prospect)
EMPR GEM 1972-333
EMPR EXPL 1987-C255
GSC MAP 12-1959; 1424A, 1538G; 1637A
GSC OF 574; 844