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File Created: 19-Jan-2001 by Ron McMillan (RHM)
Last Edit:  26-Mar-2014 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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Name POISON CREEK, GOLDMIST 2 Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 092P019
Status Showing NTS Map 092P01E
Latitude 051º 07' 18'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 120º 14' 36'' Northing 5666969
Easting 692912
Commodities Gold, Copper, Zinc, Lead Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Harper Ranch
Capsule Geology

The Poison Creek showings are located on Poison Creek, a tributary to Fishtrap Creek which flows into the west side of the North Thompson River. The property is accessible on logging roads and is 55 air-kilometres north of Kamloops.

Three showings are described in Assessment Report 14846. The "Main showing" is exposed in a "pinnacle" of siliceous altered felsic intrusive rock. The hostrocks are highly carbonate-altered and cut by quartz-carbonate veins with pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena. The veins have random orientations and range up to 30 centimetres in thickness. The "Sulphide showing" consists of pyrite mineralization (up to 15 per cent) and minor chalcopyrite in chlorite-rich intrusive breccia and marble in contact with feldspar porphyry. The "V.G. showing" is a narrow, 10 centimetre quartz vein carrying a small grain of gold as well as base metal sulphides. Hostrocks are lightly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of the late Paleozoic Harper Ranch Group that consist of siltstone, argillite, chert and limestone.

Prior to 1984, the property was held by prospectors, who trenched the "Main showing" by bulldozer. In 1984, an airborne geophysical survey (magnetic and VLF-EM) totalling 575 kilometres was completed for the Skull Creek Syndicate by Glen White and Associates. The property was subsequently acquired by Goldbrae Developments Limited in 1984, who in 1985, in partnership with Nexus Resource Corporation and Everest Resources Limited completed a program of geological mapping, 54 kilometres of linecutting, geophysical surveys (magnetometer, VLF-EM and pulse electromagnetic), soil geochemical surveying (925 samples) and diamond drilling (308 metres in two holes).

In 1992, Kargen Development Corp. completed a VLF-EM and magnetic geophysical surveys.

In 2006, Geoscience BC and partners funded an 8900 square kilometre airborne gamma-ray spectrometric and magnetic survey over the Bonaparte Lake map area from Kamloops to Lac La Hache.

In 2007, American Creek Resources Ltd. completed a geochemical sampling survey and geophysical surveys. This work was centered over the 1985 drillholes and the Poison Creek showing.

In 2008, American Creek Resources Ltd. conducted an extensive geochemical and geophysical survey, which extended the 2007 grid.

EMPR ASS RPT 13437, *14846, 22899, 30135, 31049, 31686
EMPR FIELDWORK 2000, pp. 1-30; 2006, p. 373