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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  24-Feb-2003 by Ron McMillan (RHM)

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Name CLINTON MANGANESE #3, OLSON Mining Division Clinton
BCGS Map 092P003
Status Showing NTS Map 092P04E
Latitude 051º 03' 58'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 30' 52'' Northing 5658227
Easting 604090
Commodities Manganese Deposit Types F01 : Sedimentary Mn
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Cache Creek
Capsule Geology

The Clinton Manganese #3 occurrence is located approximately 6.4 kilometres southeast of Clinton on the southeast side near the summit of Hart Ridge (Dolmage, 1944).

GSC Map 1278A (Memoir 363) shows the area to be underlain by basic volcanic flows, tuff, ribbon chert, limestone and argillite of the Permian to Triassic Cache Creek Complex.

Dolmage (1944) states that the deposit is hosted in "cherty quartzite" (chert ?) interbedded with thin layers of argillaceous material. The manganese minerals are black to steel grey, hard and crystalline, occuring as streaks and thin lenses to 1 centimetre in thickness parallel to bedding and also as fracture fillings up to 1 centimetre in thickness. Three outcrops expose the showings along a trend of 320 degrees over a strike length of 55 metres. A sample taken over a width of 1.07 metres assayed 22.8% manganese.

EMPR PF (Report by V. Dolmage in 1944 in 092P 138)
Manganese Occurrences IN B.C., H. Sargent, Unpublished Paper given in Mexico, 1956