The Sonja showing is located at 488 metres elevation on the hill southeast and just across the North Thompson River from the town of Clearwater. Galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite mineralization is associated with massive silica; the sulphides occurring as blebs, stringers and veinlets within the quartz. Fine grained disseminated sulphides follow the silicification into the metasedimentary rocks for distances of one or two metres.
The showing is hosted in metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of the Mississippian Eagle Bay assemblage. Argillite, phyllite, greenstone, and greenschists of the Eagle Bay are in contact with the Devonian to Permian Fennell Formation of the Slide Mountain Group along a northwest striking, southwest-side-up thrust fault to the west of the showing. On the southern boundary of the property, a small stock of hornblende diorite intrudes the metasedimentary rocks. Along the northern border, dikes and sills of fine-grained diorite and biotite lamprophyre occur in widths of a few centimetres to a metre.
Bulldozer stripping and trenching was done on the Sonja (or Waterclear) and LSD claims in 1970 by Texal Development Corporation. A 25 centimetre channel sample taken from a massive sulphide vein occurrence yielded 908.6 grams per tonne silver, 52.3 per cent lead, and 1.24 per cent zinc (Hodgson, 1970). In 1978, the Sonja was optioned as the Julian claim from R.J. Franks by Craigmont Mines Limited and magnetic, VLF-EM and soil geochemical surveys were done, and five diamond-drill holes totalling 498 metres were drilled. The Water claims, covering the Sonja and a large area to the southeast, were staked in May 1984 and some geological and geochemical work was done by Newmont Exploration of Canada Limited. In 1985, Newmont ran ground magnetic and electromagnetic pulse surveys over the Water claims.