The CL or Ox showing is about seven kilometres south of Mahood Lake, three kilometres west of Corsica Lake. The showing is hosted in the Cretaceous Raft batholith and reportedly consists of a trace of pyrite and some molybdenite in quartz monzonite cut by aplite dikes.
The CL showing was staked as the DL 1 claim and held by Anaconda Corporation from 1966 to 1969. This company carried out geochemical, magnetometer and induced polarization surveys, as well as drilling three diamond-drill holes totalling 93 metres. The drilling tested coincident molybdenum and induced polarization conductors in the northwest corner of the claim. In 1980, Sable Resources Limited conducted line-cutting, and geochemical and magnetometer surveys over claims covering the CL and the Hood showing (092P 107) 3.4 kilometres to the west. Phoenix Geophysics Limited conducted an induced polarization survey for Sable Resources that same year.