The PC showing is located about 2 kilometres northwest of the west end of Long Island Lake (also known as Janice Lake), about 28 kilometres west of Little Fort.
Minor amounts of disseminated chalcopyrite, along with pyrite and pyrrhotite, occur within dioritic plugs, dikes and sills of the Triassic-Jurassic Dum Lake Intrusive Complex, or within adjacent pyritic hornfels of Upper Triassic Nicola Group metasedimentary rocks.
Anaconda American Brass Limited conducted geophysical surveys on the PC claim group in 1967, 1968 and 1969, and opened five trenches totalling 150 metres on the claims in 1970. The B.C. Geological Survey conducted a regional till geochemistry program over NTS 092P 08W and 09W in 1999 (Open File 2000-17).