The Num II (T-88-1) occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1700 metres on the west side of a small north-trending valley, approximately 3.8 kilometres west-southwest of the north end of Taseko Lake.
Regionally, the area is underlain by undivided volcanic rocks of the Upper Cretaceous Powell Creek Formation and undivided sedimentary rocks of the Lower to Upper Cretaceous Taylor Creek Group to the northeast.
Locally, an andesite breccia in contact with a feldspar porphyry intrusive dike, approximately 55 metres wide, contains numerous, less than 1-centimetre wide, veinlets of massive pyrite hosting gold values. Limonite staining is common.
In 1988, a sample (B11455) of massive pyrite from trench T-88-01 assayed 1.8 grams per tonne gold (Property File - Stryker Resources Ltd. [1988-10-01]: Geological and Geochemical Report on the Vic Property).
The area has been explored in conjunction with the nearby Vic (MINFILE 092O 027) occurrence since the early 1930s. During 1974 through 1976, Nemco Explorations completed programs of geological mapping, surveying, sampling, six diamond drill holes and road construction. In 1980, the area was staked by M. Boe and a program of blasting, trenching and sampling was performed near the summit. In 1983 and 1984, Sunmark Mines Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping and four underground diamond drill holes, totalling 244.0 metres, from the Lower adit. During 1985 through 1988, Stryker Resources Ltd. and Kingsvale Resources Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (silt, rock and soil) sampling, ground geophysical (magnetometer and VLF) surveying, extensive trenching and 5.9 kilometres of road construction. In 1992, Hemlo Gold Mines completed a program of soil sampling on the Num claims.