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File Created: 09-May-1990 by Kim C. Green (KG)
Last Edit:  27-Feb-1991 by David G. Bailey (DGB)

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Name GRINDER CREEK ZEOLITE Mining Division Clinton
BCGS Map 092O039
Status Showing NTS Map 092O08E
Latitude 051º 23' 55'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 14' 35'' Northing 5694425
Easting 552658
Commodities Zeolite Deposit Types D01 : Open-system zeolites
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Methow, Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

The Grinder Creek zeolite showing is within an assemblage of rhyolitic and andesitic rocks of Eocene age located west of the Fraser fault and which are correlative with those of the Kamloops Group east of the fault.

The location of the showing is the centre of a northwest elongate tephra layer approximately 20 metres by 300 metres. The tephra, interlayered with andesitic volcanic breccia, is composed mainly of green lapilli tuff. X-ray diffraction of the tuff has identified clinoptilolite-heulandite group zeolites. The cation exchange capacity for this sample (C5) is of 106.0 milli-equivalent per 100 grams.

EMPR FIELDWORK 1988, pp. 519-523
EMPR OF *1989-27
GSC OF 534; 2207