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File Created: 03-Feb-2022 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  30-Jan-2025 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name RYA, PERK-ROCKY, PERK AREA G Mining Division Cariboo, Clinton
BCGS Map 092N075
Status Prospect NTS Map 092N14E
Latitude 051º 47' 19'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 03' 44'' Northing 5739554
Easting 357770
Commodities Copper, Gold, Silver Deposit Types L03 : Alkalic porphyry Cu-Au
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The RYA prospect is located about 1.7 kilometres south-southeast of Perkins Peak and 24 kilometres southwest of the community of Kleena Kleene. The prospect is underlain by volcaniclastic sandstone, siltstone, and minor limestone of the Upper Triassic Mosely Formation.

In 1991, Ethos Gold reported that the most direct evidence of porphyry-style copper mineralization on their Perk-Rocky property was found at the Rya occurrence in a small hydrothermal potassic zone defined by weak potassium feldspar and associated pervasive fine-grained biotite alteration. The mineralized zone is surrounded by propylitic alteration. The presence of a back thrust fault with steep dips, was mapped south of the Rya showing.

The zone trends north-northeast, in two outcrops 60 metres apart where weak amounts of chalcopyrite with minor pyrite were discovered in tuff, and in weakly altered microdiorite dikes, both of which are altered by very fine-grained biotite. Chalcopyrite occurs in a weakly developed quartz stockwork of thin veinlets, and in adjacent fractures. Finely disseminated chalcopyrite within the microdiorite indicates that a magmatic phase may be inter-mineral, in contrast to other younger microdiorite dikes mapped throughout the property. Some of the quartz veinlets are sugary and interpreted to be of the “A-type” quartz veins.

Results from the 2019 work program are reported to indicate a significant copper mineralized area along South Ridge and are supported by the talus geochemistry data. In this area, mapped as a small potassic altered zone with possible A-type quartz veins, only elevated copper with associated gold (0.049 per cent copper and 0.22 gram per tonne gold (sample X517913); 0.05 per cent copper, 0.72 gram per tonne gold (X517914) are indicated by the rock sample results. However, in the surrounding region along and across the South Ridge, mapped as propylitic altered tuff, a half dozen samples have a range from 0.123 per cent to 0.874 per cent copper; about half of these samples contain elevated gold from 0.38 to 0.68 gram per tonne (Assessment Report 38794). Some associated arsenic and elevated molybdenum, silver and possibly bismuth are derived from talus and rock geochemistry data along the ridge in this area.

The most significant rock sample taken from the potassic zone in 2019 graded 0.05 per cent copper, 0.72 gram per tonne gold, and 2.87 grams per tonne silver (Sample X517914, Assessment Report 38794). The most significant copper-gold rock sample taken from the propylytic zone was 0.41 per cent copper, 0.68 gram per tonne gold, and 7.47 grams per tonne silver (Sample X517939, Assessment Report 38794). The most significant copper (no associated gold) rock sample taken from the propylitic zone was 0.874 per cent copper, 0.018 gram per tonne gold, and 6.95 grams per tonne silver (Sample X517938, Assessment Report 38794). The highest gold value of the program graded 1.2 grams per tonne gold and was collected from talus in the Rya anomalous area (Area G).

August 2023 note: The grades for X517914 are given as listed above in Table 6, page 34, and Figures 10 and 11. However, the grades are associated with Sample X517917 in the Certificate of Analysis KL19182630, located at UTM 357735E and 5739483N, which is in the same area as X517939. The grades for X517914 in the Certificate of Analysis are 0.034 per cent copper, 0.016 gram per tonne gold, and 2.87 gram per tonne silver (see Assessment Report 38794).

In 2022, 1026452 BC Ltd and D. Leishman purchased satellite earth observing technology and processing (Worldview-3 VNIR/SWIR) for an alteration study over their Perk-Rocky property, an approximately 100 square-kilometre area surrounding Perkins Peak containing several Minfile prospects and showings.

See Briton (092N 011) for related geological details and work history information of the Perk-Rocky property.

PR REL Ethos Gold Corp. Sep. *29, 2021
GSC EC GEOL 1926-3-1, p. 63
GSC MAP 5-1968; 1713A
GSC OF 1163
GSC P 68-33
PR REL Ethos Gold Corp. Sep. *29, 2021