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File Created: 21-Jan-1992 by Chris J. Rees (CRE)
Last Edit:  14-Apr-2022 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name STIK Mining Division Clinton
BCGS Map 092N039
Status Showing NTS Map 092N08W
Latitude 051º 21' 19'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 22' 08'' Northing 5690224
Easting 404683
Commodities Molybdenum Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

The Stik occurrence is based on a map symbol indicating a molybdenite occurrence, in the rugged terrain south of the southern end of Tatlayoko Lake (Geological Survey of Canada Map 5-1968). The showing consists of a small quartz veinlet containing molybdenite.

Very little information is available. The map symbol plots within a Late Triassic to Cretaceous imbricate package, the Eastern Waddington thrust belt imbricate zone. The showing is contained in a unit of shale, sandstone and pebble conglomerate. The imbricate zone is thrust east over an Upper Triassic volcanic package of the Powell Creek Formation. The Stik map symbol plots about 500 metres west-southwest of the thrust fault.

The Eastern Waddington thrust belt imbricate zone was formed from slices of 6 units, the most significant being the lower Cretaceous Cloud Drifter Formation (lKCD) consisting of sandstone, siltstone and minor conglomerate and the Lower Cretaceous Ottarasko Formation lKCD) consisting of basalts, andesites and rhyolite flows, tuffs and breccias. The other 4 units include, uTrMo, uTrlm, uTrsv and uTrMM units (see MapPlace geology).

In 1986, the JRPM 1-3 claims totaling 52 units were staked by Noranda Exploration Company along the west side of Stikelan Creek as a consequence of anomalous arsenic and gold values in creek and tributary sediments obtained in a previous regional stream sediment sampling survey. (The history of the previous survey was not reported, ie., government or private.) After the staking, 3 1/2 days (7 man days) of work were carried out on the property, including geological mapping, and additional stream sediment sampling and heavy metal concentrates (pan) samples were collected. Geological mapping was done on scales of 1 inch to 1,000 feet and 1 inch to 200 feet. The previous anomalous gold and arsenic values were reconfirmed by both pan and sediment sampling. No mineralization was located during the program. The Stik molybdenum showing was plotted within the northeast corner of the JRPM 2 claim (Drawing 7, Assessment Report 15914). In 1986, a sediment sample was taken from the southeast-draining stream that is located (at its closest) about about 500 metres southwest of the Stik showing plot.

GSC OF 1163
GSC P 68-33, p. 87
GSC MAP 5-1968; 1713A