The Farm occurrence is a showing of copper mineralization 2.9 kilometres northwest of the west end of Franklyn Arm of Chilko Lake. It is located from a copper occurrence map symbol (Geological Survey of Canada Map 5-1968).
No description of the mineralization is available. However, from its geological setting, the host rocks are likely Lower Cretaceous andesitic and basaltic volcanics and minor sedimentary rocks of the Tchaikazan River succession. The occurrence is immediately south of an east-trending fault which may be a splay of the northwest-striking Stikelan fault (Geological Survey of Canada Map 5-1968, Paper 68-33). A large granodioritic pluton of the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene Bendor suite is in contact roughly 10 kilometres to the west. Bendor suite stocks also intrudes a few kilometres south and northwest of the Farm showing.
Copper mineralization is known in the area. The Cindy occurrence (092N 016) is located 3.5 kilometres to the southeast in similar rocks and consists of minor chalcopyrite and malachite mineralization.