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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  12-Apr-2008 by Mandy N. Desautels (MND)

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Name PROMISE WELL Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 092M061
Status Showing NTS Map 092M12W
Latitude 051º 37' 24'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 127º 48' 10'' Northing 5719824
Easting 582877
Commodities Tungsten Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Promise Well occurrence is a small showing of tungsten mineralization, located on the shoreline on the north side of the entrance to Fish Egg Inlet, on the coast of the Coast Mountains, 27 kilometres south of the community of Namu.

The occurrence is in a small unit of granite to granodiorite, within a larger body of quartz diorite of the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1953; Geological Survey of Canada Map 1386A). At the showing is a breccia of moderately to highly altered sedimentary fragments in a matrix of granite to granodiorite. The breccia is apparently not extensive, passing into massive granodiorite to the north.

The breccia contains quartz veins up to 15 centimetres thick in which there are a few grains of scheelite (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1953). The main quartz veins strike 035 degrees and dip 50 degrees northwest. A limited amount of stripping and shallow blasting has been done on the showing.

EMPR AR *1953-A165
EMPR PFD 13030, 13032