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File Created: 24-Jun-2022 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  07-Jul-2022 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name PACIFICO 3 Mining Division Nanaimo
BCGS Map 092L072
Status Showing NTS Map 092L13W
Latitude 050º 47' 48'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 127º 46' 29'' Northing 5627929
Easting 586351
Commodities Copper, Gold Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Pacifico 3 occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 220 metres on a south-facing slope, north of Phyl Creek and approximately 850 metres northeast of the east end of Shushartie Lake.

Regionally, the area is underlain by tholeiitic basalt and homogeneous basic sheet flows of the Triassic Karmutsen Formation. Minor amounts of pyroclastic rocks and metasediments have also been reported.

Locally, dark green volcanics with trace pyrite host minor copper and gold values.

In 2018, three grab samples (TR2-43 through TR2-45) take from roadside outcrops yielded an average of 0.125 per cent copper, whereas a nearby collection of grab samples (TR2-41) of similar material, taken over approximately 100 metres, averaged 0.852 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 38141).

Work History

From 2018 to 2020, Silver Grail Resources Ltd. completed programs of prospecting and geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling on the area as the Pacifico 1-3 claims.

EMPR ASS RPT *38141, 39344
EMPR GEM 1970-254,263
GSC MAP *4-1974; 1552A
GSC OF 9; 170; 463; 722
GSC P 69-1A; 72-44; 74-8; 79-30