The Wanda occurrence is located southeast of Wanokana Creek, approximately 1.4 kilometres north of the creek mouth on Holberg Inlet.
The area is underlain by rhyolite, felsic volcanics and mafic volcanics of the Middle Jurassic Bonanza Group (Holberg volcanic unit) and sediments of the Lower Cretaceous Longarm Formation (Queen Charlotte Group). The volcanics have been intruded by quartz diorite to granodiorite of the Early to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite.
Locally, a propylitic-altered andesitic tuff hosts pyrite veins and disseminations. Malachite staining is reported along the shoreline to the southeast.
In 1982, a rock sample (76897) taken a short distance west yielded 0.15 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 11132).
In 1984, a rock sample (84-3-10-1) assayed 0.88 gram per tonne gold, whereas another rock sample (84-3-6-1), taken from an outcrop located along the shoreline to the southeast, yielded 0.897 per cent copper (Assessment Report 13389).
In 1987, a rock sample (54151G) yielded up to 0.49 gram per tonne gold and 4.8 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 16139).
During 1969 through 1973, BHP-Utah Mines completed programs of soil sampling, geological mapping and ground geophysical surveys on the area as the Expo claims. In 1976, the area was prospected as the H&W 1-2 claims. The following year, a 2.0 line-kilometre scintillometer survey was completed. In 1979, Inland Cement Ltd. completed a program of rock sampling and geological mapping on the area as the H&W 1-8 claims.
During 1982 through 1984, programs of rock and silt sampling and geological mapping were completed on the area as the Wanda claims. In 1985, BHP-Utah Mines completed three diamond drill holes, totalling 605.9 metres, on the area. Also at this time, Homestake Canada Inc. prospected and sampled the area immediately southeast as the Wan claim. In 1986, a program of rock and soil sampling was completed on the Wanda and Stat claims. In 1987, Rochester Minerals Inc. completed a program prospecting and stream sediment sampling on the area. In 1988, Moraga Resources Ltd. and BHP-Utah Mines completed a program of geological mapping and rock sampling rock sampling on the area.
In 1990, Acheron Resources Ltd. soil and rock sampled the area as the Wann property. Later that year, Moraga Resources Ltd. optioned the property and completed 17 rotary drill holes, totalling 1749.6 metres, on the area. In 1992, a 10.5 line-kilometre combined ground induced polarization and magnetic survey was completed. In 1993, a program of 14 diamond drill holes, totalling 1786.3 metres, was completed on the area.
In 2005, Luminar Resources Corp. completed a program of rock, silt and soil sampling, geological mapping and a 2687.0 line-kilometre airborne electromagnetic survey on the area.