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File Created: 08-Mar-1989 by Wim S. Vanderpoll (WV)
Last Edit:  28-Jan-2014 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name KAOUK MAG Mining Division Alberni
BCGS Map 092L016
Status Showing NTS Map 092L02W
Latitude 050º 06' 24'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 126º 58' 36'' Northing 5552451
Easting 644680
Commodities Magnetite, Iron Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Kaouk Mag occurrence is located north facing slopes overlooking the Artlish River, approximately 7.75 kilometres east-southeast of the river mouth.

The area between Kaouk and Artlish Rivers is, according to Geological Survey of Canada Map 4-1974, underlain by Jurassic granodiorite of the Island Plutonic Suite. Lower Jurassic Bonanza Group volcanics and sediments lie to the west and north.

A property examination (Property File - H. Veerman) indicates a northwest trending belt of Quatsino (?) limestone extending between the two rivers, possibly as a roof pendant within the intrusive rocks. The examination indicates pods of magnetite mineralization in the limestone.

EMPR BULL 20-V; 27
EMPR PF (Veerman, H.,: Report, see Kaouk - 092L 304)
GSC MEM 204; 272
GSC OF 9; 170; 463
GSC P 74-8
Carson, D.J.T., (1968): Metallogenic Study of Vancouver Island with emphasis on the Relationship of Plutonic Rocks to Mineral Deposits, Ph.D. Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa
Sangster, D.F. (1964): The Contact Metasomatic Magnetite Deposits of Southwestern British Columbia, Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia