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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  24-Jun-2022 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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NMI 092L6 Fe11
Name SNOWBIRD (L.1586-1588), OWL (L.1585), NEW HANDY ANDY, HEMLOCK 2 Mining Division Alberni, Nanaimo
BCGS Map 092L034
Status Showing NTS Map 092L06W
Latitude 050º 22' 57'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 127º 16' 41'' Northing 5582577
Easting 622421
Commodities Magnetite, Iron, Gold, Copper, Silver Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Snowbird (L.1586-1588) occurrence is located on a ridge south of Kathleen Lake and approximately 1 kilometre west of Craft Creek.

Regionally, the area is underlain by basaltic volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (Vancouver Group), which are overlain sequentially by limestone of the Upper Triassic Quatsino Formation (Vancouver Group); limestone, mudstone and siltstone of the Upper Triassic Parson Bay Formation (Bonanza Group) and mixed volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Lower Jurassic LeMare Lake volcanic unit (Bonanza Group). The volcanic and sedimentary rocks have been intruded by gabbro to quartz diorite of the Lower to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite.

Locally, mineralization occurs within greenstone dikes and proximal to the contact between Bonanza volcanics and Quatsino limestone. Mineralization consists of magnetite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and trace bornite.

Massive magnetite mineralization occurs on Lot 1104 (Hemlock #2) and Lot 1588 (Snowbird #2) in skarn altered rocks.

In 1990, sub-angular, semi-massive sulphide float boulders were discovered in a creek to the west. Samples of these assayed up to 1.7 grams per tonne gold, 0.24 per cent copper and 3.1 grams per tonne silver (Sample R-115537; Assessment Report 21130).

In 2020, two boulder samples, taken approximately 250 metres downstream of the occurrence, yielded up to 0.24 gram per tonne gold, 0.051 per cent copper and 0.056 per cent cobalt (Assessment Report 39420).

Work History

In 1961, J. Lamb prospected the area. In 1990, Noranda completed a program of geological mapping and rock sampling on the area. In 2007, Grande Portage Resources Ltd. completed a program of geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling and a 1748.1 line-kilometre airborne magnetic survey on the area as the Merry Widow and Merry Widow Extension properties. In 2019, Mirva Properties Ltd. completed a rock sampling program on the Merry Widow property. In 2020, Roughrider Exploration Ltd. completed a program of rock, silt and soil sampling on the area as the Empire Mine property.

EMPR AR 1921-348; 1960-90; 1961-97
EMPR ASS RPT 385, *21130, 29307, 30002, 38855, *39420
EMPR MAP Preliminary Geological Map, Alice Lake-Benson Lake Area, Jeffery, W.G., (1962)
EMPR PF (Lamb, J., (1959): Report in Merry Widow - 092L 044)
GSC MAP 4-1974; 255A; 1552A
GSC OF 9; 170; 463
GSC P 69-1A; 70-1A; 71-36; 72-44; 74-8; 79-30
GSC SUM RPT 1918A; 1929A
Carson, D.J.T., (1968): Metallogenic Study of Vancouver Island with emphasis on the Relationship of Plutonic Rocks to Mineral Deposits, Ph.D. Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa
Sangster, D.F., (1964): The Contact Metasomatic Magnetite Deposits of Southwestern British Columbia, Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia
Giroux, G.H. (2007-09-04): Technical Report on the Copper-Gold Resource for the Merry Widow Property
Giroux, G.H. (2008-11-30): Technical Report on the Copper-Gold Resource for the Merry Widow Property