The Adeane occurrence is in a small drainage basin on the east side of Knight Inlet between Adeane Point and Mount Lillie, 42.8 kilometres northeast of Sayward B.C.
A northwest trending belt of interbedded greenstones and limestone runs through the occurrence from Adeane Point past the east side of Mount Lillie. This band is about one kilometre wide. The Geological Survey of Canada has designated this belt to be of Triassic age. On the east and west sides of the greenstone belt is bounded by granodiorite intrusives of the Coastal Intusive Complex of about Jurassic age.
The greenstone outcrops contain disseminate pyrite to varying extent. Pyrrhotite occurred in some float boulders in the main creek. Economic grade mineralization may occur in skarn type deposits associated with the limestones or at intrusive contacts at the east and west margins of the greenstone belt.
In 1983, LAC Minerals Ltd. conducted an exploration program in the drainage basin consisting of prospecting, mapping and sampling (37 rocks, 15 stream sediments, 124 soils). Many of the rocks sampled were anomalous in copper with higher gold and silver occurring with the copper, though no highly anomalous Au or Ag in rocks was found.