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File Created: 28-Apr-1989 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  28-Apr-1989 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name CONTACT 1,2,6, WING, HALL, GOLD, QUAD, GOLD EXCHANGE, NAT Mining Division Nanaimo
BCGS Map 092K014
Status Prospect NTS Map 092K03E
Latitude 050º 10' 16'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 14' 21'' Northing 5560056
Easting 340103
Commodities Gold, Silver, Copper Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The area is underlain by the northwest trending contact of Vancouver Group, Upper Triassic Quatsino Formation limestones ("lime- belt") and Karmutsen Formation andesites with the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex.

Several areas of chalcopyrite in quartz veins were investigated by Prince Stewart Mines on the Contact 1,2 and 6 claims (various reports by Sheppard). The Wing showing on Contact 1 and/or 2 is a shear containing chalcopyrite, bornite, gold and silver. The best chip sample from this zone assayed 3.4 grams per tonne gold, 36.0 grams per tonne silver and a trace of copper over 0.9 metres (Sheppard, 1972). An old shaft about 30 metres deep that had been driven on a quartz vein up to 0.6 metres wide was located on Contact 1. This vein was mineralized with pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalco- pyrite.

A "random chip" sample from the Hall showing on Contact 6 con- tained 168 grams per tonne gold and 83 grams per tonne silver (Sheppard, 1972). This chip was derived from a 2.4 by 0.6 metre area composed of a quartz vein up to 1.2 metres wide, occurring at the contact between limestone and andesite.

EMPR ASS RPT *3100, *3167, 5680, 10538, 16143, 17797
EMPR BULL 23; 40
EMPR EXPL 1975-E111; 1981-320; 1987-218
EMPR GEM 1970-280; 1971-313
EMPR PF (*Prospectus, Prince Stewart Mines, Apr. 19, 1971; Sheppard, E.P., (1970,1972): Geological Report on the Contact claims, Quadra Island, Prince Stewart Mines Ltd., (1973): Geological Report on the Pomeroy group and Contact group, Quadra Island, Prince Stewart Mines Ltd.)
GSC MAP 120A; 1386A
GSC OF 463, 480
GSC P 70-1A, pp. 44-49; 71-1A, pp. 31-33; 72-1A, pp. 21-23; 73-1A, pp. 42,43
GSC SUM RPT 1913, pp. 53-75