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File Created: 20-Jul-2015 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  21-Jul-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name NUMBERED CREEKS, SALAL Mining Division Lillooet
BCGS Map 092J073
Status Showing NTS Map 092J14W
Latitude 050º 46' 56'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 26' 19'' Northing 5625699
Easting 469079
Commodities Molybdenum, Tungsten Deposit Types L05 : Porphyry Mo (Low F- type)
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Plutonic Rocks, Cadwallader
Capsule Geology

The Numbered Creeks occurrence is located in the northern head waters of Salal Creek, at an elevation of approximately 2000 metres.

Locally, sericitic quartz stock works and veins host fine grained molybdenite and pyrite mineralization.

In 1965, a chip sample yielded 0.072 per cent molybdenum over 18.29 metres (Assessment Report 709).

In 2008, a grab sample assayed greater than 300 parts per million tungsten (Assessment Report 31091).

In 2010, two grab samples assayed 0.242 and 0.299 per cent molybdenum, respectively (Assessment Report 33341).

From 1965 to 1966, Southwest Potash Corp. optioned the property and staked additional ground. They then completed a program of surveying, geological mapping, reconnaissance geochemistry and diamond drilling.

In 2007 and 2008, Paget Minerals conducted small exploration programs to confirm past accounts of mineralization on the Salal property. Work included mapping and rock sampling in the Mud Lake and Logan Ridge area in the northern section of the property.

In early 2010, Miocene Metals Ltd. conducted airborne geophysical surveys over the Salal property. In late 2010 and throughout 2012, Miocene Metals Ltd. completed a program of sampling, prospecting, mapping and four diamond drill holes on the Salal property.

EMPR ASS RPT *709, *31091, 32913, *33341
EMPR PF (Regional Geologist's Letter, 1996; Salal Creek Assessment Report Review, 1996; Photos, 1996)
EMR MP CORP FILES (Southwest Potash Corp.)
McDonough, B. (2010-12-31): Technical Report on the Cu-Au-Mo Properties
McDonough, B. (2011-04-02): Technical Report on the Cu-Au-Mo Properties