The Road Zone (Ford 16 and Chev 4 claims) occurrence is located on east- facing slopes overlooking Rutherford Creek, at an elevation of approximately 1250 metres.
The area is underlain mainly by plutonic rocks of the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex.
Locally, silicified to hydrothermally altered syenite host fractures filled with pyrite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, bornite and chalcopyrite mineralization; accompanied by muscovite, quartz and feldspar. The fractures vary between 1 to 25 centimetres in width in an area of shearing. The shear zones average 0.3 metre wide in an east-west to east-south direction and dip 60 degrees to the north.
In 2006, eleven grab samples (RMAR20, 22, 48, 49, 63, 64, 66, 67, 163, 164, 213) assayed up to 0.271 per cent copper, 0.589 per cent zinc, 34.4 grams per tonne silver, 0.72 gram per tonne gold and greater than 0.2 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 27699). In 2007, diamond drilling (DDH RS-06-15) intercepted 0.034 per cent molybdenum over 1.3 metres (Assessment Report 29297).
In 1981, the area was prospected as the Paka claims. During 2004 through 2007, TTM Resources completed a program of geological mapping, geochemical sampling, airborne geophysical surveys and fifteen drill holes, totalling 806.3 metres, on the area as the Molygold project.