The Snowfield Copper occurrence is located on a high plateau, near a snowfield, between Salal and Thunder creeks.
The area is underlain mainly by intrusive rocks of the Lord Pluton, an Early Tertiary intrusive complex of the Coast Plutonic Complex. Locally, Pleistocene volcanic rocks of the Garibaldi Group overlie the pluton. The dominant rock types include quartz monzonite, biotite granodiorite and quartz diorite with minor amounts of gabbro, hornblendite and intrusive breccia. Dykes of aplite, andesite, feldspar porphyry and gabbro also cut older intrusive rocks.
Locally, copper mineralization is hosted by granodioritic intrusive rocks and exposed along the margins of a snowfield.
In 2010, a grab sample (187183) assayed 0.687 per cent copper and 14.1 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 32065).
During 2005 through 2012, programs of prospecting, geochemical sampling, trenching and an induced polarization survey were completed on the area as the Copper 1-25 claims.