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File Created: 16-Dec-2024 by Del Ferguson (DF)
Last Edit:  19-Dec-2024 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name B KING Mining Division Lillooet
BCGS Map 092J076
Status Past Producer NTS Map 092J15W
Latitude 050º 47' 09'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 49' 00'' Northing 5626025
Easting 512924
Commodities Gold Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Cadwallader, Bridge River
Capsule Geology

The B KING (King) mine is at the northwest end of the 4.5 kilometre long Bralorne-Pioneer gold deposit trend, approximately 1 kilometre north of Bralorne and 7.5 kilometres south-southeast of Gold Bridge, B.C.

The Bralorne-Pioneer gold occurrences, prospects and mines are considered to belong to the mesothermal, orogenic, or greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate gold vein deposits. These deposits form within metamorphic rocks in shallow to mid crustal depths of 5 to 15 kilometres. Quartz-carbonate veins are hosted in moderately to steeply dipping brittle-ductile shear zones and locally in shallow dipping extensional fractures. The approximately 4.5 kilometre long Bralorne-Pioneer gold-bearing vein system is a structurally-controlled hydrothermal gold deposit developed within a lensoidal block of relatively competent host rocks bounded by regional scale faults and less competent rocks.

The King Block area, including the King and Cosmopolitan prospects, consists mainly of Bralorne Diorite and lesser bedded mudstone and metasediments. Minor lenses of volcanic greenstone and sheared ultramafic rocks are also present. The deposit is truncated to the northwest by a major north-trending fault. Pre-mineralization mafic to felsic fine-grained dikes are common. Banded quartz veins are typically hosted within the diorite and sometimes in the sediments or at contacts between the two. The major historically known veins in the King Block are the King (BK) Vein, the C Vein, the Shaft Vein and the North Vein (Assessment Report 40623).

In 2004, Bralorne Gold Mines continued underground development to prepare a stope on the Peter Vein (Cosmopolitan) on the 800 level of the King mine workings, and drove a decline from the 4230 level to access a new level 30 metres deeper.

In 2009, exploration and development work conducted included development of the BK-800 mineralized shoot and access development for the BK (King) area. Two raises were driven up from the 800 Level on the BK vein to investigate the extent of mineralization above the level. A second new adit and decline was started and driven 109.7 metres to access to the upper portion of the BK vein.

Also at this time, drilling was done to further test the BK structure and explore for parallel structures. A total of 3,652 metres in 16 holes were drilled, resulting in a number of significant intercepts included 43.51 grams per tonne gold over 0.9 metres (0.6 metres true width) in hole SB09-149 on the BK target, while drill hole SB09-161, located on the Alhambra structure, intersected a 7-metre wide alteration zone containing 50 per cent quartz veins with assays of 6.45 and 6.96 grams per tonne gold over 3.0 and 1.5 metres, respectively (Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-10-15): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property).

In 2010, a trial stope was prepared on the BK-800 shoot by constructing a by-pass drift and draw points (222 metres). Shrinkage stoping of the BK800 followed and continued throughout the year. A total of 5645 tonnes grading 11.31 grams per tonne gold was extracted and stockpiled (Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-10-15): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property). Exploration development was also done on the North Vein following a review of historic non-compliant resources that revealed a potential block of mineralization. The North Vein development consisted of a footwall access drift and sublevels along the vein (813 metres) plus raises (490 metres) to determine the extent of the mineralized zone. Trial mining then followed using a modified room and pillar method. A total of 3687 tonnes grading 14.50 grams per tonne gold was extracted and stockpiled (Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-10-15): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property).

Also at this time, a total of 2,712 metres in 11 holes was drilled, resulting in a number of significant intercepts and delineation of a new mineralized shoot named BK-3. The best intercept yielded 140.46 grams per tonne gold over 0.6 metres in hole SB10-169 (Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-10-15): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property).

In April 2011, production was commenced with trial mining being performed on the North and BK-800 mineralized areas. Total gold production at the end of December was estimated at 101.04 kilograms from a total of 13,904 tonnes (dry) that had been milled, with an average feed grade of 8.7 grams per tonne gold and a recovery of 91 per cent (Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-10-15): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property).

Also at this time, underground development resumed in the BK decline, with the target redefined as the BK-3 zone. Surface and underground drilling, totaling 5012.4 metres in 30 holes, was also done in 2011, targeting the BK-3 zone (BK Vein) and the BK North and BK South veins. Drilling highlights include intercepts on the BK zone of 5.1, 12.6 and 22.9 grams per tonne gold over 5.2, 1.8 and 0.5 metres in holes SB11-028, -006 and -013, respectively, while drilling on the BK North Vein yielded up to 93.4 grams per tonne gold over 0.6 metres in hole SB11-001 (Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-10-15): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property). Another drill hole intercept (hole SB11-021) on a target referred to as ‘New Find’ yielded 800.6 grams per tonne gold (1765.0 grams per tonne gold on re-assay) over an interval of 0.9 metre (0.5 metre true width; Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-10-15): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property). The new structure has been named the M-vein.

Also, in 2011 and early 2012, underground diamond drilling, totaling 2815.7 metres in 20 holes, were completed. Drilling highlights included 226.00, 385.57 and 24.99 grams per tonne gold over core intervals of 0.4, 2.1 and 0.6 metres in holes UB11-002, UB12-015 and again in UB12-015 on the BK North, BK and New Find (M) veins, respectively (Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-10-15): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property). In 2012, underground development focused on the BK-3 area with sub-levels being developed along the structure at the 3700, 3800 and 3900 elevations. The levels were subsequently connected by raises. This work identified that the BK zone was made up of three major structures, the BK, the BK-9870 and the BK-9790 (Alhambra) structures.

In 2013, underground development continued in the BK Mine, with 187.6 metres of sublevel development along the 3700, 3770, 3800, 3900 and 3930 elevations. Stope development preparation was carried out on the 3700 and 3770 levels with 130 metres of extraction drifts and drawpoints. A total of 267.1 metres of exploration raises were completed joining the sublevels of the BK Mine. Also at this time, underground drilling was carried out with a total of 734.42 metres being drilled from ten holes.

In 2014 Avino Silver & Gold Mines acquired the property. Underground development focused on further developing the Alhambra and BK9870 veins in the BK Mine by drifting and raising on all three levels. Stopes were developed on the Alhambra Vein (BK3700-6180E-Stope), the BK Vein (BK3700-6360E-Stope, BK3700-6390E-Stope), and the BK-9870 Vein (BK3700-6085E-Stope, BK3800-6255E-Stope, BK3800-6360E-Stope, and BK3900-5850E-Stope). Also at this time, a diamond drill program comprising 1054.3 metres in 10 holes was conducted on the Shaft and Prince veins. Drilling highlights include intercepts of 41.00, 10.25 and 87.84 grams per tonne gold over core lengths of 0.5, 2.4 and 0.3 metres (0.4, 2.2 and 0.2 metres true width) in holes SB14-002, -003 and -008, respectively on the Shaft Vein and 26.96 grams per tonne gold over a core length of 1.1 metres (0.9 metres true width) in hole SB14-001 on the Prince Vein (Kirkham, G. (2016-10-20): NI 43-101 Technical Report – Bralorne Gold Mine).

In 2015, the focus of the underground development was initially to advance the BK Mine 3750 and 3850 Level access drifts towards the Alhambra Vein. Three drill holes targeted the Alhambra Vein extensions to the West for a total of 371.25 metres. Drilling highlights include an intercept of 17.45 grams per tonne gold over a core length of 0.3 metres (0.2 metres true width) in hole SB15-001 on the Alhambra vein (Kirkham, G. (2016-10-20): NI 43-101 Technical Report – Bralorne Gold Mine).

In 2018, Bralorne Gold Mines (Talisker Resources) ran aggressive programs to evaluate the potential of underexplored portions of the property, including digitization of known information, data mining and integration into 3D visualization software. Thirteen diamond drill holes in the Bralorne East and Pioneer Blocks (Ida May, Coronation and Pioneer areas) were completed from surface, totaling 3045.87 metres to delineate new resources on existing veins within the inferred resources category (Assessment Report 38967).

In 2020, Talisker Resources completed nine surface diamond drill holes, totaling 3650.7 metres, on the Bralorne Gold project. Also at this time, an updated mineral resource for the Bralorne Gold project (51B FW, 51BFW/HW, Taylor veins (Pioneer Gap), Alhambra, BK, BK-9870, BKN, Prince, Shaft (King Block) veins) was reported at 191 416 tonnes measured and indicated grading 10.61 grams per tonne gold with an additional 28 758 tonnes inferred grading 7.18 grams per tonne gold (Talisker Resources Ltd. [2020-09-02]: NI 43-101 Technical Report, Bralorne Gold Project, Bralorne, British Columbia, Canada).

In 2021, Talisker drilled 31 diamond drill holes totaling 16,814.5 metres and 3 reverse circulation holes totaling 1,343 metres in the BRX and Bralorne Mine blocks, as well as an airborne magnetic, VLF-EM and radiometric surveys. In 2022, a further 34,425.1 metres of infill drilling in 80 holes were completed extending from the King Block in the northwest to the Pioneer Block in the southeast (Assessment Report 40623). In the King Block, drill hole SB-2022-063 intersected 1 metre assaying 11.48 grams per tonne gold in the King Vein and drill hole SB-2022-053 intersected 1.3 metres of 42.61 grams per tonne gold in the North Vein. In latter 2022, 2458 metres were drilled in 3 holes to extend boundaries of known veins along strike and at depth (Assessment Report 41719).

*See BRALORNE (Minfile 092JNE001) for more on exploration, geology and mineral resource estimates for the Bralorne Gold deposit belt.

EMPR BULL 100; 108, p. 133
EMPR EXPL 1991-85-88; 1995-58-59; 1997-34; 2002-41-50; 2003-54; 2004-58,59
EMPR FIELDWORK 1974, p. 35; 1986, pp. 23-29; 1987, pp. 93-104, pp. 115-130; 1989, pp. 45-51, pp. 53-72; 1990, pp. 75-83
EMPR INF CIRC 1994-19, p. 15; 1995-1, p. 15; 1996-1, p. 17; 1997-1, p. 21
EMPR OF 1987-11, 1989-4
EMPR P 1995-3
EMPR PF (Statement of Material Facts, Avino Mines and Resources, August 1, 1991; Property description by B.N. Church, 1990; Plan map of trenches)
GSC OF 482
GCNL #90,*#111, 1991; #28(Feb.10), 1997
CMJ Mar.17, 2004
CIMM BULL V.83, p. 53-804
GEOSCIENCE BC RPT 2008-1 p. 47-54; 2017-08 18 p.
N MINER March 26, 1981; Nov., Oct.14, 1982; Apr.7,21, Nov., Dec. 8, 1983; March 29, July 26, Sept.6, 1984; Jan.10, Feb.7, March 7, Sept.9, 1985; Mar.1, 1989; Dec.16, 1991; Feb.17, 1997; Dec.1, 2003; Sept.2, 2004; Apr.4,25, Jun.27, 2005
PR REL Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd., Sept.18, Nov.4,29, 2002; Jan.9, Oct.10, Dec.12, 2003; Jan.19, 22,Mar.29, Apr.13, 2004; (Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd.)
*Talisker Resources Ltd. (2020-09-02): NI 43-101 Technical Report, Bralorne Gold Project, Bralorne, British Columbia, Canada
*Talisker Resources Ltd. (2023-01-20): NI 43-101 Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate for the Bralorne Gold Project