The Gold King Two occurrence is located on a north facing slope, south of Tenquille Creek and approximately 3 kilometres northwest of Cerulean Lake.
Regionally, the area is underlain by a northwest- trending, northeast- dipping, right-side-up roof pendant of Upper Triassic Cadwallader Group, which consists of massive to schistose greenstone of andesitic composition. The Cadwallader Group represents an island arc assemblage with reported occurrences of felsic volcanics. The pendant is contained within intrusive rock, ranging from granite to granodiorite to quartz diorite, of the Spetch pluton and other intrusions of the Jurassic to Cretaceous Coast Plutonic Complex.
The Cadwallader Group has been subdivided into five units (from oldest to youngest): 1) massive andesite, 2) mixed pyroclastic, 3) felsic volcanic, 4) mixed pyroclastic and 5) sedimentary. The massive andesite unit consists of dark- green massive basaltic andesite flows. The mixed pyroclastic unit consists of pale to dark- green andesitic to dacitic fine tuffs, lithic tuffs, feldspar crystal tuffs and lapilli tuff with minor interbedded porphyritic flows. The felsic volcanic unit consists of light- grey to pale- green rhyolite and rhyodacite flows, commonly feldspar porphyritic. The mixed pyroclastic and sedimentary unit consists of well- bedded andesite to dacite, lithic and lapilli tuffs with abundant limestone, limestone breccias, calcareous feldspar-rich wackes, black shale, siltstone and chert interbeds. The upper sedimentary unit consists of an upward -fining sequence of cobble conglomerate, feldspar-rich greywackes and sandstones, black shale and chert.
Locally, a hornfels felsic tuff hosts up to 30 per cent magnetite and quartz veining, respectively, along with trace to 3 per cent pyrite and minor calcite and diopside with limonite and goethite weathering.
In 2005, a sample (291068) assayed 0.181 per cent copper, 0.638 per cent lead, greater than 1.00 per cent zinc, 56.8 grams per tonne silver and 8.90 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 28234; Butler, S. (2008-01-11): Summary Report on the Gold King Property).
The area has been historically explored in conjunction with the nearby Li-Li-Kel occurrence and a completed property exploration history can be found there.