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File Created: 31-Dec-2017 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  10-Jan-2018 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name TRUAX ROAD, TRUAX 3 Mining Division Lillooet
BCGS Map 092J087
Status Showing NTS Map 092J15W
Latitude 050º 48' 54'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 46' 12'' Northing 5629278
Easting 516203
Commodities Silver, Gold, Antimony, Copper Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
I09 : Stibnite veins and disseminations
L08 : Porphyry Mo (Climax-type)
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Truax Road (Upper, Middle and Lower) occurrences are located on the north side of Fergusson Creek, approximately 6.5 kilometres southeast of the community of Gold Bridge.

The area is underlain by granodiorite of the Cretaceous to Tertiary Bendor pluton. The contact between the intrusive and steeply dipping sediments and volcanics of the Mississippian to Jurassic Bridge River Group trends northwest-southeast.

Locally, at least three zones (Upper, Middle and Lower) of mineralization are exposed along a road leading up the southwestern slopes of Mount Traux.

The Lower zone consists of an area of sheared granodiorite with quartz-carbonate veining hosting disseminated pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and molybdenite. In 1985, a grab sample of mineralized quartz-carbonate vein assayed 112.1 grams per tonne silver, while a grab sample from the shear zone assayed 0.31 gram per tonne gold and 7.2 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 14727). In 2003, a sample (RMR-T3-02) from the area assayed 3.4 grams per tonne silver and 0.114 per cent copper (Assessment Report 27094).

The Middle zone, located approximately 700 metres to the northeast, consists of a quartz vein hosting stibnite, arsenopyrite and realgar.

The Upper zone, located approximately 1000 metres to the northeast, consists of a gossanous granodiorite with quartz veining, 20 to 25 centimetres thick and over a 15 metre strike length, that hosts stibnite, arsenopyrite and pyrite. In 1985, samples from the trench 4 area assayed up to 13.1 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 14727). In 1987, a sample from trench 16, located 300 metres south of trench 4, assayed 2.06 per cent antimony (Assessment Report 16638).

The area has been historically explored in conjunction with the Truax II (MINFILE 092JNE060) occurrence. In 1971, Westview Mining completed a program of ground magnetic and electromagnetic surveys on the area as the Rock and Roy claims. In 1980, Tamarind Holdings completed a program of rock sampling, geological mapping and trenching on the area as the Windy claims. Also in 1980, Solitaire Resources completed a program of rock sampling and geological mapping on the area immediately west and south as the Sol and Boss claims. In 1985 and 1987, Coral Energy completed programs of rock and soil sampling, trenching and geological mapping on the area as the Truax Gold II claim. During 1985 through 1988, Coral Energy completed programs of rock and soil sampling, trenching, geological mapping and airborne geophysical surveys on the area as the Truax Gold II claim. In 2003, Sona Resources completed a program of rock, silt and soil sampling on the area.

EMPR ASS RPT 3101, 8341, 8590, *14727, *16638, 18437, *27094
EMPR EXPL 1986-C260; 1987-C210
EMPR FIELDWORK 1974, p. 35; 1985, pp. 303-310; 1986, pp. 23-29; 1987, pp. 93-130; 1988, pp. 105-152; 1989, pp. 45-72; 1990, pp. 75-83
EMPR GEM 1971-311
EMPR OF 1987-11; 1988-3; 1989-4; 1990-10
EMPR PF (Tomlinson, F.C. (1971): Report on Geophysical Survey Magnetometer and Electromagnetic Survey on Rock-Roy Group of Mineral Claims; Prospectus, Westview Mining Co. Ltd., 1971; Geology map, 1987; Property description by B.N.Church, 1990)
GSC MEM 130; 213
GSC OF 482
GSC P 43-15; 73-17; 77-2 (GSC 76-50)
GSC SUM RPT 1932, Part A, pp.57-71
CJES 1987, Vol. 24, pp. 2279-2291
GCNL #68, 1970
Placer Dome File